Private fund manager focused expertise

private fund & private fund manager business experienced attorneys

  • Whether its private fund or firm (registered or exempt) product pre-launch strategy, execution or ongoing legal or business matter support for an area of stress, we are a boutique business matter law firm specializing solely within the private fund manager universe.
  • We provide our private fund manager clients, a viable alternative to the big securities law firm without sacrificing experience and know-how.
  • Clients gain added value of our private fund manager law firm's deep industry experience working with the spectrum of private fund managers of all structures and sizes.
  • Highly efficient and viable solutions to succeed (on an enterprise wide level) with both pragmatic and scalable support.
  • Each “partner level” member has more than two decades of sophisticated expertise from both working within or advising cutting edge securities law firms, spectrum of funds and well-known alternative asset management organizations.1
  • Holistic private fund and trading fund manager legal & business matter expertise under one law firm means efficient big picture “investor” solutions to overcome today’s business challenges.
  • Through the maze of business and investor marketing complexities, we curb the business and legal pitfalls that impede asset gathering success.
  • Nimble solutions to problems from partners no matter the scope across high net worth, family offices, fund of funds and the spectrum of institutional investors.

Our real world private fund experience and expertise facilitates

  • Expansion of client target investor base
  • Separation of our clients from the pack
  • Informed decisions to make change happen
  • Client's with more time to focus on portfolio management
  • Increases the likely-hood of asset gathering success.1

1. Notable area of private fund and private fund adviser expertise

  • Expertise across the legal and executive level fund manager skill set, corporate-securities law, business strategy, infrastructure, fund formation, operations, compliance, best practices (front-middle and back office) trade process expertise across teams, people, framework and counter-parties. Securities, Investment Advisers, Investment Company, Exchange Act, FINRA, CFTC, fund manager expertise on corporate-securities matters, agreements, trade-firm operations, enterprise risk management, diagnostic analysis, due diligence, governance, trade processes, investor – marketing relations, solicitation process, marketing execution and distribution across high net worth, family offices and institutional investors.