Fund formation
Whether its a private hedge fund or equity fund start-up, private fund adviser reorganization, augmentation, we offer high level collaborative support across the alternative asset manager enterprise. Substantial experience and expertise from industry veterans advising the spectrum of strategies (conventional to niche), investors and structures of all shapes and sizes for more than two decades. Our clients gain the business value of their pedigree and track record complemented by our partner level professionals.
What sets us apart
No one business model fits all so we focus on each private fund manager's particular short and long-term goals to create both a bespoke (not cookie cutter) and viable fund formation offering structure tailored to both a client's specific target investor (high net worth, family office, institution), strategy, return profile and assets under management. As a boutique law firm without big law firm overhead, we can offer a viable client alternative without sacrificing a high level of expertise to improve a client's operational alpha and the likelihood of long terms business success.
Pre-launch – start up fund formation, emerging or established private fund formation expertise
- Starting a fund, top tier offering documentation tailored to strategy, marketing, teams, assets and target investors across the spectrum of conventional, niche to complex strategies & structures, hedge funds, private equity funds (onshore or offshore).
- Private to SEC registered advisory expertise (set-up, trading structures, counter-parties) implementation and management in contemplation of post-effective fund offering and marketing strategy.
- SEC registered or exempt investment or commodity trading adviser set-up, registration or infrastructure development.
- State and federal fund offering-marketing solicitation management (securities law expertise) across blue-sky law, issuer-agent, state and federal exemptions and filings.
- Best practices, SEC ready or benchmark framework expertise across front, middle and back office trading.
- Counter-party set-up and the leverage of our resources and relationships to curb client fixed costs across fund administrators, accountants, auditors, IT, custodians, prime brokers, introducing brokers, portfolio trading, risk management.
Why us
- As a boutique law firm without big law firm overhead, we can offer a viable client alternative without sacrificing a high level of expertise to improve a client's operational alpha and the likelihood of long terms business success.
- Deep history working with start-ups, established private fund managers and well-known fund formation law firms across front to back office business, regulatory and securities law matters.
- We have executed numerous trading advisory firms either on behalf of pioneer partners, executives or as a partner or executive to private funds, private to SEC registered firms (U.S. and Global).
- Professionals with extensive industry knowledge negotiating with complex investors, platforms, counter-parties, seed investors, sub-advisory relationships, and niche strategies or fund offerings.
- Business strategy guidance, execution or support to meet short and long term objectives with think out of the box solutions to meet an investor’s demand.
- Our partners broad skill sets, real world business experience and relationships facilitate for clients: (i) expansion of target investor base from a high net worth, family offices or institutional; (ii) separate clients from the pack; and (ii) increase the likely-hood of long-term success.1
- Partner level professionals work closely with each client executive (not junior associates) to add value and make change happen.